attainable homes
610, 940 – 6th Avenue SW Calgary Alberta T2P 3T1 1(403)265-9935

Request More Information To Learn More!

Attainable Homes is working hard to expand our efforts to provide affordable living for low- and moderate-income Calgarians! We are in the process of preparing to launch our new townhome development in 2024 which will offer 1-5 bedroom townhomes in the SE community of Albert Park/Radisson Heights!

If you are interested in joining our VIP list, the process is easy. Once you have qualified for our down payment assistance program, we connect you with one of our partnered lenders to obtain your pre-approval. Once you obtain your pre-approval, your budget is set and you are added to our VIP program. As part of our VIP program, we will notify you two weeks before we launch publicly which gives you VIP access to available homes! All that is left is to contact us and you’re on your way to homeownership!

To learn about how you can be part of this program, contact our Area Sales Manager for your next step to achieving homeownership! You must be a registrant of our Down Payment Loan Assistance program to qualify.

Contact Karen for more information: or 403-390-9310

Register Now

Note:  Currently, we have no quick possession homes available.

Register for the Attainable Homes Program

About Attainable Homes

Attainable Homes Calgary is a non-profit organization, created and owned by The City of Calgary, working to help moderate-income Calgarians achieve quality homeownership.

How We Make Ownership Happen

We provide down payment assistance in the form of an investment partnership. By connecting builders, developers, lenders, lawyers, and other resources, we can give qualified Calgarians the chance to buy their own home with a $2,000 down payment.

Attainable Homes provides the remainder of the down payment to achieve the required 5 percent. If the time comes when you would like to move, we share a portion of the home’s appreciation to help pay-it-forward to more Calgarians dreaming of homeownership. The longer you live in your home, the larger your share (to a maximum of 75%). If your dream is homeownership, Attainable Homes is here to make it happen.

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