attainable homes
610, 940 – 6th Avenue SW Calgary Alberta T2P 3T1 1(403)265-9935

Another Happy Homeowner!

It’s not often that we get to hear from our homeowners once they exit our program. So, we were beyond excited to meet with Thomas and hear his thoughts on our down payment assistance program! Check out his story below!

What brought you to Attainable Homes?

A rent increase of over 20% for a place that was not worth that big of an increase. I started to save for a down payment, but the rent increase impacted my efforts. So, when I came across an AHC billboard, I did some research, and the program was exactly what I needed to finally become a homeowner and start building equity for myself!

How did the whole process with AHC work for you?

The process was quick & easy when I reflect back on it now. It was structured in a way to require engagement in the process but not to make it uncomfortable. I believe the AHC program is a valuable asset for Calgary & I’m forever grateful for the program helping me get into my home.

How do you feel about owning your own home?

Proud that I am building value for my Family. Grateful that I was able to become part of AHC community. Repaying the assistance I received & helping to keep a great program alive for future generations of people like myself that strive for more.

 And now for a fun one, if you could choose one superpower what would it be and why?

I would select immortality, being able to tackle any situation without the fear of Dying.

If you would like to learn more about our down payment assistance or our upcoming rental program then contact our sales team today!

Contact Karen for more information: or 403-390-9310

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